
Monday, April 27, 2020

Dublin Coddle

This traditional Irish supper dish of sausages, bacon, onions and potatoes dates back at least as far as the early eighteenth century. It is often made to use up leftovers. The name comes from the verb coddle, meaning to cook food in water below boiling.


Potatoes - 4 lb 
Onions - 2 large, peeled and sliced thickly 
Pork sausages - 1 lb (I used chicken sausage)
Bacon - 1 lb, thick cut 
Water - 2 cups
Bouillon - 2 tsp, Beef or chicken
Fresh parsley - 3 to 4 TBSP, chopped (omitted)
Salt - to taste
Coarse-ground pepper  - to taste


1. Boil the water and in it dissolve the bouillon cube. 
2. Peel and cut the potatoes. Cut the onions. Grill the sausages and bacon long enough to color them.  Drain briefly on paper towels. 
3. Preheat the oven to 300°F
4. Chop the bacon into one-inch pieces. If you like, chop the sausages into large pieces as well. (Some people prefer to leave them whole.).  In a dutch oven, start layering the ingredients: onions, bacon, sausages, potatoes. Season each layer liberally with fresh-ground pepper and the chopped fresh parsley. Continue until the ingredients are used up. Pour the bouillon mixture over the top. On the stove, bring the liquid to a boil. 
5. Put the covered dutch oven in the oven and cook for at least three hours. (Four or five hours won't hurt it.) At the two-hour point, check the pot and add more water if necessary. There should be about an inch of liquid at the bottom of the pot at all times. 
6. Mix and serve.

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