
Sunday, April 26, 2020


I took the recipe and opted out the ingredients my family did not like - cilantro, onion.


Ripe Avocados - 2
Salt - 1/4 tsp, or to taste
Fresh lime juice or lemon juice - 1 TBSP
Minced red onion - 2 TBSP to 1/4 cup (omitted)
Serrano chili - 1 or 2, stems and seeds removed, minced
Cilantro - 2 TBSP (leaves and tender stems), finely chopped (omitted)
Ripe tomato - 1/2, seeds and pulp removed, chopped (used 1 whole)
A dash of freshly grated black pepper
Red radishes to garnish (omitted)


1. Cut the avocado, remove flesh. Using a fork, roughly mash the avocado. (Don't overdo it! The guacamole should be a little chunky.)
2. Sprinkle with salt and lime (or lemon) juice. The acid in the lime juice will provide some balance to the richness of the avocado and will help delay the avocados from turning brown.
3. Add the chopped onion, cilantro, black pepper, and chili. Chili peppers vary individually in their hotness. So, start with a half of one chili pepper and add to the guacamole to your desired degree of hotness.
4. Chilling tomatoes hurts their flavor, so if you want to add chopped tomato to your guacamole, add it just before serving.
5. Serve immediately, or if making a few hours ahead, place plastic wrap on the surface of the guacamole and press down to cover it and to prevent air reaching it. (The oxygen in the air causes oxidation which will turn the guacamole brown.) Refrigerate until ready to serve.

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