
Tuesday, July 14, 2020

Glutinous Rice Cake with Red Date (红枣切糕)

This snack is called "Cut Cake" in Chinese because it was sold at street vendor as slices before. When you slice it, there are clear layers. Traditionally, it was made with layers of glutinous rice and red dates only. You can add any other kind of dried fruit or sweet pastry fillings that you like. You can also make in more layers if your container is tall enough.


Glutinous rice - 4 cups
Dried red date - 1 cup
Red bean pastry filling - 2 cup
Yield an 8"x8"x3" cake


1. Soak glutinous rice and dried red date overnight.
2. Steam rice directly on steamer over high heat for 15 minutes. Steam the red date separately for 10 minutes. 
3. Transfer rice to containers. Add just enough boiling water to level with the rice. Steam the container in steamer for 30 minutes. 
4. Line a cake mode with parchment paper and grease the sides. Then start to press on a layer of cooked rice, a layer of red date, another layer of rice, and a layer of red bean paste. If you container is deep enough, you can build up more layers of rice, red date and red bean paste. 
5. Steam the packed cake mold in steamer for 1 hour. 
6. Cover the cake mold with shriek wrap, and put something heavy on top to press on. This help the cake integrate layers together. 
7. Cut and serve.
Unfinished pieces can be wrapped air tight and stored in freezer. Steam thoroughly before serve. 

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