Monday, January 5, 2015

Steamed rice pudding (钵仔糕)

Steamed rice pudding (钵仔糕) is a traditional Cantonese Dim-sum that made from rice flour.


Rice flour - 320 g
Sugar - 320 g
Red bean - 80 g
Water - 5 cups
Oil - 2 tsp


1. Soak red bean overnight in water, and then boil it until the beans are soft.
2. In a mixing bowl, mix well rice flour, 2 cups of water, and oil.
3. In a sauce pan, add 3 cups of water, sugar, and bring the solution to boiling. Pour in the rice flour mixture. Stir well.
4. Brush small containers (I used the aluminum foil egg tart pan) with oil, add some coke red bean at the bottom of container, then fill up with the rice flour batter from previous step.
5. Steam the rice cake for 20 minutes and then you can take out the rice cakes from containers using toothpick or fork.


1. Use milk or coconut milk to replace some water.
2. Use brown sugar instead of granulated sugar.

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