Monday, May 14, 2018

Cheese and Green Onion Bun(香葱芝士面包)

This is the Simple Soft Bun with cheese and green onion topping.


Bread Flour - 2 and 3/4 cup (400 g)
Sugar - 5 TBSP (80 g)
Salt - 1 tsp (4 g)
Active Dry Yeast - 1.5 TBSP (15 g)
Milk - 1 cup and 1 TBSP (260g)
Egg - 1 (40 g) - 1/4 cup apple sauce
Butter - 3 TBSP (40 g)
For toppings:
Shredded cheese
Green onion
Yield 12 buns for one baking sheet


1. Put all ingredients in bread machine and set to "Dough" setting.
2. After bread machine cycle is complete, take out dough and divide into 12 portions. Let them rest for 10-15 minutes.
3. Shape into stick shape ad put on baking sheet to let it rise again.
4. After the bread volume double, sprinkle shredded cheese .
5. Preheat oven to 360°F, and bake bread for 15 minutes until cheese is melted and golden.
6. Cool bread on cookie cooling rake and store in sealed bag or container.

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