Wednesday, February 10, 2016

Black Sesame Puff Pastry with Salt and Pepper (椒盐牛舌饼)

The DaoXiangCun's black sesame puff pastry (北京稻香村的牛舌饼) is one of my favorites. This homemade pastry is an attempt to mimic the taste. The filling is from MaoMaoMom's receipt. The puff pastry dough is my usual receipt,originally from my friend Liu Qiang.


【Skin A】
-  All purpose flour - 2 cup
-  Butter / Lard - 1/2 cup
- Water - 1/2 cup
- Sugar - 1 TBSP
【Skin B】
- Cake flour - 1.5 cup
- Corn oil - 1/3 cup
- Cooked glutinous rice flour  - 1/4 cup
- Roasted black sesame - 1/3 cup
- Roasted pecan - 1/2 cup
- Salt - 3/4 tsp
- Sugar - 1 TBSP
- Sichuan pepper (Zanthoxylum 花椒) - 1/2 tsp
- Honey - 2 TBSP
- Egg white - 1
- Egg yolk wash - 1 egg yolk + 1 TBSP water, mix well
- Sesame seeds


1. If you have not done so, roast the glutinous rice flour in a dry fry pan over low heat. Let it cool. Roast the black sesame and let it cool. Follow the recipe to prepare the roasted pecan with five spices powder.
2. Use spice grinder to grind the roasted black sesame, pecan. Or you can use a rolling pin to ground the pecan and black sesame in a Ziploc bag.
3. In a mixing bowl, add all ingredients for filling and knead the mixture into small balls (about 7g each) and set aside.
4. Melt the butter with microwave
5. Add all ingredients for Skin A to warm butter. Knead to smooth dough, and let it sit for 20 minutes.
6. Mix ingredients for skin B into a dough, and let it sit for 15 minutes.
7. Portion the dough A and dough B into small balls, about 10-11g for skin A, and 6-7 g for skin B.
8. Wrap each dough B into dough A, and round it to a ball. Use a rolling pin and roll the dough into oval shape, then roll into a bundle. Repeat in the other direction.
9. Use rolling pin to roll out an oval shape wrapper, and then wrap the filling inside. Press or roll it into oblong shape.
10.  (Optional) Brush the pastry with egg yolk wash.
11. Bake in preheated 350°F oven for 20 minutes.

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