Saturday, November 15, 2014

Soft heart date (心太软)

One of my favorite appetizer from Shanghai is called "Gentle heart" (心太软). I found some dates on the shelf and Google on 心太软. It turns out to be pretty straightforward to make.


Dried dates (红枣)
Glutinous rice flour (糯米粉)
Rock candy (冰糖)


1. Mix rice flour with some water to be able to knead without sticky to your finger.
2. Cut the date open, if it is not seedless, remove the seed. 
3. Stuff the date with rice flour dough.
4. Put date in sauce pot, add just enough water to cover the date. Throw in some rock candy. Let it simmer a few minutes until the date skin is soft. 
5. Take out and pour the sauce over the dates to add extra sweetness. Now gobble up!

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